Information Sheet

Upon starting at the setting you will receive an information booklet with all current information required and forms, the following information gives you an understanding of our Pre-school.

Snack Time

The Pre-school offers a wide range of healthy snacks and fruit we also share snack time as a whole group or using a rolling snack bar. You will be asked to choose an item to donate of the snack list once a week. If your child has any intolerances or allergies please let us know so we can provide an acceptable alternative.


We provide milk or water at snack time.

They also have access to their own named water bottles at all times during the session. We do encourage this to be water only. 

Lunch Boxes

Lunch should be provided in a named lunch box/bag which will be stored in our fridge. The children need an additional drink in their lunch box . The setting promotes healthy eating in line with current government guidelines.


Book bags, plimsolls and the uniform of the Pre-school are COMPULSORY and may be purchased on the following website, Just search our name Horley Community Preschool. Prices start at £4.50 and we also have a range of as new items that have been donated back by previous children. If you wish to see any samples or sizes or colours please ask a member of staff. 


Children will need a named pair of plimsolls or slippers (rubber or hard soled) that will remain at Pre-school in their P.E. bags.

Please ensure that all coats, hats, and shoes etc are named. Labels are available through the Pre-school.


The children will need a pair of wellies at Pre-school because we like to use our outside area all year round, including the grass area, which can be wet or muddy. Please ensure wellies are named with a permanent pen and these do not have to be new. We have a large selection of donated wellies from previous children if you would like a pair.

Arrival and Collection from Pre-School

When you arrive at Pre-school you will be asked to sign your child in and leave a contact number, this folder will always be found on the front desk. Any change of collection must always be noted here to and made aware to a member of staff. 

Your child will entre our settings saying goodbye to you at the door. Your child then will be encourgaed to be independent in taking their coats off and changing their shoes to their inside shoes. Staff will be there to help and support when needed. They will then put their coats and shoes away on their pegs before washing their hands to enter the setting. After, washing their hands they will find their names to self register themselves, choose a tray and then place their book bag in their tray for the day.

When you collect your child please remember to check their book bags for letters, and activities they have completed at school that day. Finally you will need to sign your child out from our care in the contact book.

Prompt arrival and collection enables your child to settle into the Pre-school routine and feel secure.

Parental Involvement

We welcome all forms of parental involvement at the Pre-school. You are invited to come and join us for a morning session to see what we do and play with your child, hoping to start this soon in the coming terms this year, after new starters have settled and guildelines permit.

Also any skills you have are welcomed to, this could be cutting out for activities or taking home some toys in the holidays to play with and clean for us.

If you have some spare time though and would like to be more involved you could join our Parent Forum. This is a group of parents that meet every half term to support the Pre-school in all areas, including fundraising events.

If you have any questions on the above subjects please talk to a member of staff who will be glad to assist you.

Home Contact Book

In your child’s book bag you will find a red home contact book this stays in the book bag as an additional form of communication with the Pre-school. It can be used to share information, dates and achievements relevant to your child. Remember they are checked only once a week; therefore please inform staff in person of anything important or relevant to the day. These books can be used by parents, childminders and grandparents.

Consent Forms

Under Current Ofsted regulations the Pre-school requires your consent for a number of things. These include Emergency Medical Consent, Parental rights and responsibilities, Photography, the use of Sun creams and Routine preventive head lice checks. These forms are all contained in this booklet and will need to be completed and returned when your child joins us.


Early Years Foundation Stage

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

(Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage 2012)

The setting will promote the children’s learning and development through:

  • Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’;
  • Active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements;
  • Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.

Each area of learning and development must be implemented through planning, observation and assessment. They should enjoy purposeful play with a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s development, building their confidence as they learn to explore, to think about problems, and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.

The Pre-school will consider the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child in their care, and will use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child in all of the areas of learning and development.

Practitioners working with the youngest children are expected to focus strongly on the three prime areas, which are the basis for successful learning in the other four specific areas. (EYFS)

The Three Prime Areas

Communication and Language:

Listening and attention: children listen attentively in a range of situations. They listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.

Understanding: children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. They answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events.

Speaking: children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’ needs. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events that have happened or are to happen in the future. They develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events.

Physical development:

Moving and handling: children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.

Health and self-care: children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs successfully, including dressing and going to the toilet independently.

Personal, social and emotional development:

Self-confidence and self-awareness: children are confident to try new activities, and say why they like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they do or don’t need help.

Managing feelings and behaviour: children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride.

Making relationships: children play co-operatively, taking turns with others. They take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise their activity. They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other children.

The four specific areas


This includes reading, writing and phonic knowledge


Numbers: children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20 and problem solving

Shape, space and measures: children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money

Understanding the world:

People and communities: children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others.

The world: children know about similarities and differences in relation to places, objects, materials and living things. They talk about the features of their own immediate environment and living things

Technology: children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.

Expressive arts and design:

Exploring and using media and materials: Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. They explore using a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

Being imaginative: children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.

(EYFS 2012)

The Pre-school will provide:

A “Quality workforce” Staff hold relevant qualifications in Early years and regularly update knowledge with training.

Use “A Key person System” The pre-school allocates the children a key person who is responsible for their profile and learning journey but all staff are responsible for the care and well being of all children.

Promote “Individual Learning” the pre-school tailors learning to meet children’s individual needs and interests.

Use “Assessment” to recognise progress and understand a child’s individual needs, they will observe and assess children during play and learning to allow them to plan activities.

Assessment should not entail prolonged breaks from interaction with children, nor require excessive paperwork. Paperwork should be limited to that which is absolutely necessary to promote children’s successful learning and development. Parents and/or carers should be kept up-to-date with their child’s progress and development. (EYFS)

Assessment at the end of the foundation stage:

In reception at the end of your child’s fifth year their development will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals to indicate the child’s levels of attainment.

Integrated Two Years Check:

When a child joins the setting before the age of 3 we will assess their progress and development using guidelines provided by Surrey Early Years and the Local Health Team. We will share this information with you and discuss any concerns we may have. This check should then be kept in your child’s red health book and shared with your health visitor. If your child has attended another setting or has already had a two year check completed we will not need to undertake this review.

Our reports and registration details can be found on the government’s web site here.

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